Rallyware and Myagi join forces to deliver a cutting-edge Performance Enablement Platform that revolutionizes sales force operations.

The dynamic partnership of Rallyware and Myagi - Creating the Ultimate Platform

Rallyware and Myagi join forces to deliver a cutting-edge Performance Enablement Platform that revolutionizes sales force operations.

Rallyware, the performance enablement platform for large sales forces, has acquired Myagi, promising to transform salesperson knowledge, operations, and productivity, as well as delivering strong ROI to world-leading consumer brands and their multi-brand retailer partners. 

At a moment when interest rates are increasing and customers are paring back on their purchases, sales force enablement technology that optimizes seller performance and retail sales training will be of great use to any organization with large sales forces.

This move evolves what is possible and expected for such sales forces, affecting processes from retail sales training to brand sell-through, multi-brand and beyond, transforming the way that sales persons at large operate, execute, and perform.

Enablement for retail sales training, in addition to further channels, is certainly part of the value proposition here. 

The value provided by Rallyware + Myagi stretches beyond training into sales force enablement toward the real-time sales performance boosting addressing the most business-critical KPIs, whether those are inventory management, retention, revenue alignment, or other metrics. The platform adapts dynamically depending on the organization’s specific needs and requirements.

The platform layers on top of and integrates with organizations’ data to adapt the content and tasks sales persons are shown based on the present metrics. This smart platform changes the user pathway depending on of-the-moment context.

Organizations with large sales forces will be able to drive better brand understanding and sell-through across the workforce, creating more persuasive and proactive advocates. All while multiplying sales force performance with simplified training, upskilling, rewards and recognition, and other kinds of tools, available via Rallyware. 

That’s partly what this evolution of Performance Enablement is all about. It optimizes the end-to-end sales rep experience in an automated fashion, calibrating the user experience to the sales rep’s performance so far and large-scale company metrics. 

Transforming Selling: Creating the Ultimate, End-to-End Platform

The result of this acquisition is the ultimate platform for enabling sales performance the smart way. With some of the brightest minds in their respective channels joining hands to innovate, customers implementing Rallyware with Myagi will be able to develop more agile and effective operations; communicate internally with sales reps at scale; automate retail sales training content; and much more.

Rallyware’s Performance Enablement Platform optimizes for KPIs sales-based workforces of all stripes, while the company’s time-tested expertise helps to design and implement digital strategy for such companies. This is not only “software,” but a technology and enablement partner.

In its capacity as a retail brand training platform, Myagi has authority in driving brand knowledge, influencing sell-through, and enabling sales forces to sell better and sell more. 

Organizations like Oakley, Nike, Gibson, and other brands have used Myagi to unlock sales associate capabilities and refine brand knowledge, leading to a more informed, passionate, and capable network of salespersons. 

With Rallyware’s platform and Myagi’s sales enablement and brand training technology, companies have immediate access to a large network of advocates, touchpoints for them to increase brand knowledge, sales results, and revenue. It’s an investment that pays for itself. 

Rallyware’s technology integrates with frontline sales force performance data to create the desired business outcomes in real-time. The end result is a sales force with the tools they need to sell more at a time of lower margins, slack in consumer purchases, and uncertain developments in the market. 

Cross-Channel Expertise: Optimizing Large Sales Forces

Now, retail and brand customers using Myagi will be able to implement a platform that transforms each individual sales person into a more self-directed, impassioned, autonomous performance powerhouse. This is most needed at our time of flux and uncertainty.

At a moment when many brands have expanded into omnichannel selling, it’s essential that companies branch out into strategies and operations from similar channels. As business models become more flexible, agile, and dynamic, enterprises must have technology that can automatically adapt to delivery methods to drive salesperson performance and related business outcomes. As cross-channel and omnichannel approaches scale and mature, the Rallyware-Myagi acquisition will only become more relevant. We encourage curious companies to explore this technology before their competitors do in order to seize the edge.

Start embracing the future of sales force performance enablement. Read the press release here.

Rallyware and Myagi are transforming sales rep productivity, knowledge, and productivity with an all-in-one digital platform for salespersons. Request your demo here.